Saturday, September 5, 2009

Yummy Street Sausage and Fancy Food that wasn't Yummy!

So today I had something which is apparently a classic Berlin dish as per a NYU staff member, it was called the "cross gebratener havelzander auf sautiertem gurkengemuse" AKA roasted pike with cucumbers in creamy dill sauce with basmati rice. I have to honestly say, it was not very pleasing.

Call me American, call me spoiled, call me what you like, but I do not, do not, do not like fish with bones (whether edible or not, in fact with most Chinese fish with edible bones I still pick the bones at). Besides the bones, the texture was like pike, and wasn’t crispy as I expected a breaded piece of fried fish to be. The sauce wasn’t exactly spectacular either. If I had paid it would have cost 10.50 Euro, or about 15 USD. Not terrible, but anything that doesn’t taste good in Europe is expensive. (On the other hand, anything that doesn’t taste good in places like Xian, China, IS CHEAP! Oh how I miss the days of 3 dollars for pounds and pounds of delicious Chinese breakfast food.)

For dessert there was some strange “Red and Green Mousse” as they called it. It was DELICIOUS. The texture of it was really more marshmellowey rather than like a mousse. One was berry flavored and the other was lime! Mmmm. The hearts on the plate were an added bonus and extremely cute.

Apparently we ate in the special Humboldt faculty club called Cum Laude, but it really wasn’t so great besides the dessert!

After all of the proper food of course for an afternoon snack, or as we called it in Hong Kong,

afternoon tea, was rostbratwurst just from a guy on the street! AKA Roasted/Grilled bratwurst. In my opinion its the only real way to eat a bratwurst, because when I last visited Munich at all the restaurants they just served boiled ones, so the skin isn't crunchy and it is really just a strange texture. WEIRD!

We all got one besides Jenny (because she newly went over to being vegetarian-HAHAH in Germany mind you, but its okay Jenny we love you, and thanks for taking our picture!!!).

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