Sunday, September 6, 2009

Making New Friends or NOT

So I realize that not everyone will agree, but I'm just reporting what I think is true for me.

When you go into something strange and unordinary, its easier if everyone is all in the same boat. It's easier to make friends. Easier to be bold. Easier to relate to others. Unfortunately, this "boat" can be defined too many different ways, so you never really know until you look at it in retrospect.

I found this out yesterday for sure when my new friend Kathleen and I went with a random boy to a random club. In almost an instant he ditched us to talk to the others rather than us.

Not to mention that the two other kids we were with were too into themselves and seemed terribly and falsely intellectual. I could bet a lot of money I'm a lot smarter, and I'm not say it in a IM SO FULL OF IT way, but rather, THEY WERE TOO FULL OF THEMSELVES!

You can't judge a book by its cover. You can't judge someone's knowledge based on how they talk. You can't judge people based on how they act just be seeing, but rather by understanding why.

Anyhow, we should have known better and just stuck with our pals over in NYU Berlin. Gosh. Lesson learned!!! Of course this won't stop us from being adventurous, but perhaps we should do it together next time since we are in this together :-).

After all, the fact that we practically GREW UP in different programs in Berlin made a difference...they had their clique and weren't open to newcomers, and we had ours. Yeah we tried to break the boundaries, but oh well, right?

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