Friday, September 4, 2009

Currywurst and Konigsberger Klopse

First day in Berlin...what should I eat?

Nothing but popular Berlin food!

So I tried the currywurst which is said to be a sausage covered with ketchup with a dash of curry powder. Right, doesn't sound too appetizing but it was DELICIOUS. Basically the ketchup wasn't really strong in seasoning like ketchup, but rather a more mild tomato saucey ketchup.

The pasta is my friend Sarah's lunch!

The Konigsberger Klopse is a meatball dish. I'm not sure how to describe it exactly based on how it tasted. There was a very plain and simple white gravy with three big light colored meatballs as the main idea of the dish. Each meatball was the same ordinary meatball texture, and no real original taste, but had some capers inside. The dish came with yet again boring potatoes. It was satisfying, but when I think about it now, it wasn't terribly delicious or special, but practical and real sustenance. I read somewhere that's how the Germans are, so maybe I'll start to believe what I read...

Mind you this was all yesterday, but today I ate a veggie burger and fries. Tried to be a little more healthy, but this veggie burger was pure carbs...definitely not healthy. The fries here are just too delicious though...

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm looks very interesting. Sarahs lunch looks more artsy...Other than that just looks interesting, Ill have to take your word for it. So whats next on the menu?
