Saturday, September 5, 2009

The day I hit a woman in the face…

So the story begins with my rush to buy electronics. What is only natural, yet banned in my former HS (shout out to MWHS!) is to high five or wave our arms in the air and point at people in the hallways because of the congestion.

Have I learned anything from this?

Of course not.

I hit a lady in the face.

And my new facebook status is currently…”hit a lady in the face today with full force, oops. thanks jenny for reminding me, lol. SO THAT'S WHY NEXT TIME YOU COME TO GERMANY, THEY WILL HATE YOU!!! LOL."

She was an old lady—a sad mean angry old lady. Its also horrible that my first response was, its not my fault you are so short, but I didn’t really say it ;-). I asked her if she was okay, but of course she had no idea what I was saying.

Yeah she didn’t say anything. Nothing funny or entertaining in German, but I made a dash for it, hahahah how embarrassing but terribly entertaining for everyone except the poor lady.

The good news was that when I was pointing, it was to the electronics store, where I found my 15 euro hairdryer with three speeds and temperatures. Also a light for my super dim room (its very dark at night)!!!

What’s cooler though was the soda maker. Me and my new friend Dave were absolutely fascinated by it. Or at least I was :-P. If they had that at home I would most definitely buy it!!! Actually, only if its reasonably priced. It was 35 euros here, so maybe so long as it is around 40 USD or cheaper. Knowing us though, it’ll be outrageous, like that website with all those Asian things they mark up 900%!

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