Friday, September 4, 2009

The Former Berlin Wall

So I had no idea until I saw for myself what happened to Berlin physically after taking down the wall. Turns out that before the wall went up once apon a time there was in place a canal that connected the more local areas into the big canal. Then they put up the wall...but now? There are lowered gardens! It was pretty neat.

Also saw an interesting small tiny garden. It was technically considered Eastern Berlin but they were so frugal they wanted the wall to be curved rather than have a corner. Thus resulting in a rectangular plot of land basically in West Berlin in everything but official law jurisdiction.

The man was Turkish and created a weird unkempt garden, but it was a pretty cool idea. He lived an "alternative lifestyle" as our RA Cornelius described it. Thus, he was used as propaganda for the east to the west. HAHA!

I didn't think to take any pictures because this was my local area...I figured I'd see it everyday and not think much of it, but I forgot I was blogging!

1 comment:

  1. Feels like your living a piece of history, where east meets west eh? Take some pics next time your round about. :)
