Monday, August 23, 2010

Mothers and Shacks in South Africa

So one of our projects here in Diepsloot is to meet with different families and for the mentees AKA ambassadors to assess what they really needed us to buy. It was a great opportunity for the ambassadors to learn some budget skills, even though they were severely helped by the mentors and only had to work with three different items to budget for instead of say 20.

I was really impressed by the lack of greed of the people. Most mothers simply asked for things for their children, even when we asked them directly what they would like. It reminded me much of my mother! Maybe it is a universal thing :). Even when asking a small girl what she would like she refused to say she needed anything, but after some effort she said that she would like some play clothes. KIDS AT HOME ARE SO SPOILED! Take this to heart! Maybe the kids AND the parents need a week in the slums to realize it.

The mothers/grandmothers and orphan-led household leaders are extremely selfless here, and I find it incredibly inspiring. Some of the households held as many as 11 children, and have all somehow been affected by HIV/AIDS. Keep in mind that these families of 12 people share a one room shack that is the size of a typical American child's bedroom.

Also, they buildings are not very solid structures. The shacks are made of some sort of zinc iron corrugated concoction :P. But seriously, when it rains their floors are soaked and water comes through the roof. We actually walked into a house where the walls had holes in them today.

Americans definitely take too much for granted. Easily accessible water. Shelter. Food.

Happy Bloggly Belated to my mentee Marie! Big 14!

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