Friday, August 20, 2010

Meeting people with HIV/AIDS and Diepsloot Intro

During our first day in South Africa we were divided into groups for our future service work. I was placed with a fellow mentor, Jaclyn, and we meet with Freddy Sithone and Violet Miyalani.

At first I didn't realize why Violet had such a hard time spelling her name, and was extremely shy, but learned the next day that many people of these areas are illiterate. It was something I completely took for granted. Both are locals of Diepsloot, the community we will be working with.

Diepsloot had a close place to Malaak's heart—a place she calls her second home. The big difference between Diepsloot and other communities that visitor's may encounter is that Diepsloot is not exposed to tourists, and so the general nature of the people are extremely pure. There are various “extensions” that defined within Diepsloot like Extension 1, or the reception area that many people stay for years.

During our orientation we also met a woman named Rosina, also from Diepsloot. It was her absolute first time sharing with a group of people that she was HIV positive. It was BEYOND a blessing for the entire group to have such a special experience. It was beyond special. She attends support group meetings with the Olive Leaf Foundation, and we were told she has never shared so publicly outside of her support group. She spoke with a translator. We felt the emotion and timidness, but also the incredible bravery. Rosina said she felt encouraged and her fears went away after starting her ARV medication. She hasn't missed a dosage since starting her medication.

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