Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Kid Robot

After every major exam, I love to just let loose and relax by walking around the city. So yesterday, I picked my location, the Patagonia SoHo Store, and started my wild wild journey. Low and behold, I walked by a store called Kid Robot. At first, I thought it was a store that sold gadgets and fun things like that, which is always very entertaining, but NO. It is a collection of "vinyl limited edition" mini statue toys, and they are VERY addicting to people who love to collect stuff, AKA ME! The store is pretty comprehensive in stock, and includes most of the things sold online at

So I buy my first Kid Robot, what I call the crack rabbit, or the "smorkin" smoking bunny, thinking how funny and vulgar it is, but wait. When you open these things its severely wrapped firstly in a foily sealed pouched and then boxed so that its "blind" and you don't know what you are opening. Okay so anyway, I open it, and what is it!? THE ONLY BUNNY THAT DOESN'T SMOKE. What a harsh reality. A terrible reality. WHY me?

So today I was stupid enough to continue on my journey back into SoHo and right into Kid Robot, with my previous disappointment, things were looking bright, because WHAT are the odds that I will get my LAST possible choice AGAIN? Apparently, I thought the odds were I was stupid enough to buy some more Kid Robot, one Ole English Dunny for my boyfriend, one Cannibal for me, and the funny S&M (Sadist and Masachist) REINDEER leftover from Christmas.

One was definitely a sure bet, but the others? Eh. I got the worse Cannibal, it was a sillllly upside-down white cone with two black eyes and black feet. SO boring. Definitely the WORST possibility.

Lesson learned? Don't get into this new pokemon-like phase. I'm hooked on how each one is designed by different artists, but HATE the fact that I can't get what I want. Oh and they are EXPENSIVE. Not like the 50 cents vending machines at the supermarket, more like $5-$10 for the small ones!

1 comment:

  1. There, I am officially a follower of your blog, to satisfy your unquenchable thirst for attention. I expect you will do the same for me, yes?
