Thursday, February 19, 2009

I HATE people who don't care enough to do their jobs well. It's not society's fault that you are stuck in the mud, just cheer up and maybe you'll get somewhere with life! I am a firm believer in equal opportunity, and social darwinism. Yes of course there are the select few who suffer from bad luck, but is most of the world REALLY in that situation? Losing your job during the recession is reasonable, but if its a longterm thing, there's just no excuses.

Ex. The security guards at K-MEC and Tisch Hall sometimes ACTUALLY care. But mostly? Not really. So normally I can walk by without them even noticing me, or just by waving something that looks like an ID card. Now, in my mind I'm at a tossup, is it that these people should be doing their jobs correctly more often, continue not to care. But really, this isn't the point. If they choose to do the job they take, they should at least make the best of it. The other day walking into Tisch a security guard actually yelled at me for IGNORING him, and when I confronted him he shriveled like a baby. THEN, today one has the nerve to be like...Uhm, EXCUSE ME, ACTUALLY LET ME LOOK AT IT. psht. i should have shouted RACIST. :P. jk im not so bad, plus everyone's asian anyway! It's probably just the rudeness that gets to me, I mean whats so bad about pretending to be happy and cheerful, OR AT LEAST NEUTRAL!


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