Sunday, June 6, 2010

'Someone' gets lost/goes missing at Disney

Names have been changed to protect those in the story :-)

Okay so the story goes...

Save went to the bathroom and the rest of us "disappeared". Then he went looking for us. The looking led Save to a string of buses. Behind the tinted glass of the first bus was a family waving at what does he do? He catches the next bus assuming WE were that family. hahahhahaha.

He goes all the way to the Magic Kingdom (with a huge rush of people on the buses AND there) because he knew thats where my parents wanted to go.

Mind you this is all without a cell phone because Save dropped his phone into the water while getting onto the rapids ride.

FYI If Save was a real person, this is what he would look like before he dropped his phone
....and this is what he would look like after .

So everyone was waiting around in the lobby waiting for Save to get out of the bathroom with no word from him (we thought he was taking a poo). Eventually we get a call from his brother saying that Save left a message on his voicemail saying he would wait for us at Magic Kingdom's front gate. Save had called him from a stranger's phone.

Finally, Save figures out that he should call my parents hotel room to see if they are there, and in fact they were. HAHAHAHA. NOT AT MAGIC KINGDOM.

Moral of the story: The Baptistas won't leave you behind, LOL...and you shouldn't get on random buses even if you think they have gotten onto the one before it.

Oh yeah, did I mention that we were only around the corner from where we were sitting? Also, that Save did not check the hotel room first...nor the other parts of the lobby...hahahahhaha.

My parents ALMOST missed the fireworks that night. :-)...but they didn't and we all went to see the parade.

And then we all got sick on the teacups!

Good times. Good times. I hope I was discreet enough.

Disney and Seaworld

So Disney World and Seaworld were tons of fun. When I was a kid I guess my parents weren't big fans of meeting the characters and riding the Tower of Terror over and over again, but those are the perks of going with your boyfriend and cousin! It's ironic that as a ten year old I spent less time experiencing the magic of Disney than I did for the past week. Waiting on one-hour lines to meet with Mickey? No problem without impatient parents, LOL.

The best story of Disneyworld is when a member of our party "got lost", but you'll have to read the next post for that one! HAHA.

Then there was Seaworld.
We were COMPLETELY soaked after sitting in the third row watching the orcas. Last time I went there was a huge emphasis on why they weren't called killer whales, but it seems that everyone was saying it all over the park this time. (Esp. Dave walking around saying that Shamu
was going to eat us for dinner, or at least just kill us, lol).

The rides were really interesting. Manta was beyond strange. They had you seated, then tilted you so that your chest faced the floor and your legs were still crunched in a chair position. It made for a very good ride, as any seat was as good as the front row since you face outwards (we rode it twice). There was also Kraken, which Dave and I rode 6 times, but it is more of the novelty that there were only 5 minute lines, if that. Both were really new so it was very smooth (unlike my sickening experiences at Darien Lake a few weeks ago...and the nausea that followed) which is how we convinced my non-rollercoaster riding cousin to ride! (heheeheh...or should I say mwaaahaahhaha).

Has anyone seen that TV show where they visit Seaworld? I think it was Full House where they ate next to the Shark Tank. Anyway, we did that too :P.

To top the day, they chose Dave (finally) after volunteering for every single show all week.
He even tried the animal stuff at Animal Kingdom and Indiana Jones with no luck! This was definitely the best show to volunteer for though :-).